
Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Good Times with Family and Friends in California

On Friday, March 11th we drove from our site at the KOA in Klamath Falls, Oregon back into California. On the way we stopped at the Mt. Shasta Viewpoint to take in the scenery and enjoy one of our yummy RV picnic lunches. Along the drive we saw the devastation from the fires that have ravaged this part of the state. I only posted one photo but the burned areas went on for miles.

We arrived in Redding and enjoyed the warm weather of the afternoon following the frigid temperatures we had experienced our last few days in Oregon. It was nice to change into shorts and have our little happy hour outside in the sunshine.  

We left Redding on Saturday and drove about 200 miles to the home of the “MiniBergs,” aka Kelly, Kyle, Andrew, Owenn and Wess. We stayed 2 nights and were able to have an all day adventure with Kel and the boys at the Chabot Space & Science Center in Oakland. It was great to be with family and soak in all the hugs and love that were shared.

Our longest day of driving was Monday, March 14th from Pleasant Hill to Buellton where we had reserved 5 nights at Flying Flags RV Resort. We booked this stay months ago when we were still planning on going on the 12 day trip to Italy which originated in Solvang. We thought the week prior to the trip would be a good time for us to schedule dental appointments, hair appointments, etc. and it has been.  It has also been a fun time to catch up with some of our dear friends here in the Santa Ynez Valley.

 Note: About a month prior to the planned departure for Italy we made the decision to cancel. There were many factors that lead us to this decision. Among the reasons were that we want to go to Italy when Covid protocols are not so strict, we would like to include a trip to Sicily which was not part of the planned adventure, and we started getting concerned after hearing about friends and others who have been quarantined in foreign countries for a week or so at the end of their vacations due to positive covid test results. But mostly… we are getting weary of life in the RV and are planning to start our house hunting in earnest at the end of April. We are both very excited about that change of plans! More on that in a future blog post…

With no trip to Italy on our calendars, we reserved a site at Lake Cachuma for a week. It is so beautiful here this time of year when everything is still green from the winter rains. We have a nice little site with a sliver of a view of the lake. This is one of our favorite places to stay and it is just a short drive from Solvang and Santa Barbara so we have been able to see more friends and check a few more “to-do” items off our lists. From here we will venture south and spend more time with family and friends.

Beautiful Mt. Shasta

Mark & Robin at the Mt. Shasta Viewpoint

On the road again

So many burned landscapes along the way

Traveling together has given us the opportunity to listen to several good books together. We really enjoyed this one that is a true story about a man and the cat who saved him.

At Premier RV Park in Redding, CA enjoying the sunshine and some refreshments

Back in Pleasant Hill with Kel, Kyle and the boys. Every time we visit, the boys get taller!
I asked Owenn to pose for a photo wearing his new Super Mario shirt.

We discovered a strange angle that made the boys look uber-tall!

The Bergs’ camellias are in bloom. They remind me of growing up in Temple City and the annual Camellia parade and festival.

We spent most of Sunday at the Chabot Space & Science Center in Oakland.
Mark, Kelly, Wess, Owenn & Andrew

Wesley sitting in a replica of the Mercury capsule

Owenn takes a turn

..and finally, Andrew.

There was so much “eye-candy” at the Science Center.

Wess & I were out of this world!

The wall murals were really cool. (Hi, Mark!)

The boys rarely miss a chance to drop stuff from an upper level. Wess (in this photo) and Owenn took turns going up and down the elevator, dropping and attempting to catch paper.

An actual piece of the moon!

Wess at the controls of a Martian rover

Andrew tracking satellites 

This is Owenn in front of a cool mural showing 70+ years of space exploration.

Owenn exploring the universe!

Wess had a good time playing with kinetic sand.

We visited two of the telescopes at the observatory. This once is called “Leah.”

And here is “Rachel.”

After we got home from our outing, Papa and Wess decided to pick oranges from the tree in the backyard and squeeze some into delicious orange juice.

This is what the first Monday of Daylight Savings Time looks like!

Blue skies and green hills on our drive from Pleasant Hill to the Santa Ynez Valley…

We spent a relaxing first night in Buellton. On Tuesday we both had dental cleaning appointments - it is going to be so difficult finding new healthcare providers once we relocate. We followed those appointments with much needed haircuts. Later we had a lovely dinner at The Red Barn in Santa Ynez with good friends and Skytt Mesa neighbors, Dorothy and Scott Love.

The following day I had an appointment with my rheumatologist to get an injection for osteoporosis - this getting old business is not for sissies! Afterward, I joined friends Teresa English and Joyce Millikan for lunch at The River Grill in Solvang. It’s been so much fun enjoying some of my favorite meals with cherished friends. The southwestern chicken salad here was a must! While I was lunching with friends, Mark was off golfing with his buddy and College Estates neighbor, John English. My evening ended with a scrumptious meal at Ellie’s Tap & Vine in Santa Ynez with my kind and generous friend, Susie Bastian.

Thursday, St. Patrick’s Day was a day for me and Mark to regroup. We reorganized the RV and bagged up stuff we haven’t used in the past four months and/or will not need in the next four. We visited our two storage units in Buellton and I switched out some of my cold weather clothes for some more summery options. It was interesting to see our stuff and realize how little we really need to live our day to day lives.

On Thursday afternoon we had the pleasure of joining our “old” neighborhood Thursday Happy Hour group in Beth and Steve Cullumber’s backyard. It was so refreshing being back with some of our favorite people for lively conversation, tasty snacks, wine and beer. Six of us followed up Happy Hour with dinner at a favorite Italian restaurant, Trattoria Grappolo in Santa Ynez.

A sign of the times - so far (knock on wood) neither of us have tested positive for Covid and we have no reason to believe either of us has had it.

Friday was a really fun day spent at the welcoming and beautiful home of our dear friends, Sandy and Gary Riches. They provided an amazing lunch for us with food from their favorite Jewish deli in the Los Angeles area, Brent’s Deli. There were six couples at the luncheon. It was wonderful being with our monthly lunch group, “The Girls,” and hubbies... Sandy & Gary, Babette & George, Judi & Lance, Marianne & Lance, Marlene & Dave, Mark & me. The weather was perfect and we ate in the Riches’ lovely backyard. I didn’t want the day to end!
Gary, Sandy, Robin & Mark

Me and my “Soul Sister,” Sandy who hosted the party 4 days before scheduled knee replacement surgery! She must really love us.

Babette Grupp and me enjoying the cold but refreshing water in the Riches’ new swimming pool

Good times with special friends Babette, Sandy, George and Gary (Mark, too)

Gary and Sandy ordered matzo ball soup from Brent’s Deli and sent it “home” with Mark. They know what he loves!

On Saturday morning we left Flying Flags RV Resort and not a day too early. The Buellton Chili Festival was scheduled there the next day and the place was packed! We were so happy to leave the overpriced, overcrowded dirt driveway campground and drive to beautiful Lake Cachuma on the San Marcos Pass. We will be here for a week and it is so much more peaceful here.
We had a couple of hours to spend between campgrounds so we pulled into the Viewpoint overlooking the dam. I took a walk, enjoyed the scenery and took a few photos.

State water is being let into Lake Cachuma which is a source of clean water for the south coast of  Santa Barbara County.

A walk through the oaks

View of the lake

After we got situated in our campsite, we met Teresa and John English at Hook’d Bar & Grill near the marina at the lake. We enjoyed beer (the guys) and wine (the gals) while we listened to live music. We also had a tasty meal all the while hoping that the small rain drops wouldn’t develop into anything bigger.

Music by the band, “Do No Harm”

John, Teresa, me and Mark by the lake

And this is how we spend many of our evenings. On this night we were watching “Survivor” on the iPad with a beautiful oak tree as a backdrop.

I snapped a quick photo of Solvang on Sunday on my way to lunch with good friend Patti Gilmore in Buellton. I chose Morrell’s Restaurant because no trip to the valley is complete without one of my most favorite salads, their Chinese Chicken Salad. I had a nice time visiting with Patti and getting caught up on her life while sharing a bit of what Mark and I have been up to.

Because we have a difficult time saying good-bye, we made plans to get together with the Riches and the Grupps one more time. The plan was for the four of them to come over to Lake Cachuma for dinner at Hook’d on Sunday evening. Unfortunately, the wind was brutal so we went with Plan B and met at another fabulous restaurant, Dos Carlitos in Santa Ynez. We also got a tour of George and Babette’s new Class B motorhome. Mark and I have decided to sell Benny and Sparky after we complete this adventure and purchase another Class B that we can easily commute in between Oregon and California.

Yes, we are feeling the sting of higher fuel prices. We saw this on the Tonight Show and it gave us quite a laugh! Of course I’m married to one of those “weird unicycle guys!” LOL!!!

This is the view from the end of our campsite driveway here at Lake Cachuma. You can just barely see the lake.

On Monday we spent the morning just chillin’ in the RV. We had an afternoon appointment with our financial advisor to make sure we are still on track with our future plans. We are happy to report that “Operation Happy Valley, Oregon” is still a “go!” Afterward we went to Costco for essentials and then back to the RV where we enjoyed a “home-cooked” meal of grilled turkey cooked on our Blackstone.

Tuesday morning I was scheduled for a little dental procedure at 8:00. Mark came along with me and then we went out for breakfast to Baker’s Table in Santa Ynez. The food was so good and I got a big kick out of this sweatshirtthey sell.

As we drove back to our campsite Mark spotted this rowing team on the lake.

We realized when we were at the luncheon on Friday that Lance and Judi Brown would be at Lake Cachuma for part of the time we are here. We made plans to join them and their friends for lunch at Hook’d on Tuesday and then Lance invited all of us out on a pontoon boat for a lake cruise. The weather was pretty warm (low 80s) so it was great to be speeding around on the water.
Captain Jake, Tim (in the shadow), Lance & Judi

Robin & Mark out on Lake Cachuma

The Lake

We remembered to bring our binoculars and saw a variety of birds.

Oak trees on the hills

I like following our route on the GPS on my phone.

There are still some Canada Geese on the lake

A view of the dam from the lake

It’s quite a hike up the steps from the marina. Hi Mark and Lance! The lake is currently at 46% capacity. 

Mark inside Hook’d Bar & Grill.

Finally I want to acknowledge family and friends we spent time with but have no photos to share on our blog…

Our wonderful son-in-law, Kyle who was in the thick of tax season but was able to spend some time with us, our dear friend and best ever dental hygienist, Sheryl Wood, great friends and Skytt Mesa neighbors, Dorothy & Scott Love, Joyce Millikan, Sheryl & Dennis Neal, Beth & Steve Cullumber, Sabine & David Ovesen, Teri Watts (also my very talented hairstylist), fun friend and former workmate (partner in crime,) Susie Bastian, couples from “The Girls” lunch group, Marianne & Lance Bruner, Marlene and Dave MacBeth, book club buddy and sweet friend, Patti Gilmore, and the best ever financial advisor and good friend, Jeff Avila.

I guess we were just having too much fun for me to remember to grab my phone and take pics! What a fabulous couple of weeks we’ve had in the beautiful Santa Ynez Valley we were blessed to call home for over 34 years. Yes, we miss it and so many wonderful friends we made over the years. We hope they all come to visit us in our new home in Oregon once we find it!