
Monday, May 2, 2022

Spring Break and Beyond

Our plan since the beginning of this adventure has always been to spend time with our kids and grandkids during their separate spring breaks. The MiniBergs (Kyle, Kelly, Andrew, Owenn and Wess) had their spring break two weeks before Easter. The MiniMassies (Dan, Claire, Alex and Ellie) had their spring break the week before Easter. 

We had plans to spend four nights with the MiniBergs, have some mini-adventures, play some games, and make some crafts. Kyle was busy with the last couple of weeks of intense tax season while we enjoyed our time with Kelly and the boys. We had a great time with all of them before leaving for a four night camping adventure with the MiniMassies. We spent that time at Mt. Madonna County park hiking, playing games, and crafting among other things.

After our time with family the plan was to drive north with the ultimate goal of staying in the Portland area while we search for our next home. Along the way we stayed in a couple of beautiful Oregons State Parks and met up with family and friends.

On Wednesday, April 6 we headed to the MiniBerg home in Pleasant Hill. What a beautiful drive from Santa Nella to Pleasant Hill ~ so much green!

Mark, my wonderful driver

We were greeted at The MiniBergs’ home by their sweet dog, “Rawley.”

Mark and I brought an Easter cookie house kit and the boys really got into decorating it.

Andrew, Wess Owenn and me (I was channeling my dad. We have a classic photo of my dad looking pretty much the way I do in this photo during one of my mom’s Easter egg decorating extravaganzas with the grandkids.)

Andrew was responsible for the roof.

Wess could hardly believe there were gum balls in the kit!

He really put his heart into making the house extra cute.

Owenn had a cryptic message on his end of the house.


We brought our pie iron with us so that everyone could try and make their own pudgy pie.

Papa and Owenn were pretty happy with the way theirs were turning out.

Owenn loves to cook.

Owens’s ham pudgy pie

Andrew is the game guy and taught me some of his new games…
Here we are playing with his fun and versatile Looney Labs pyramids

“Hi, Rawley!”

Kelly had some activities on hand and Andrew and I enjoyed counted cross-stitch. He commented that it was a pixel art.

Wess wanted a turn at making pudgy pies.

He put oranges from their tree and chocolate in his!

Kel and me in our PJs spending part of the evening text chatting with Jasmine. We were using apps to alter our appearances. (Not in this photo)

So we thought it would be fun to combine this photo of Rawley with the next photo of Wess. Unfortunately the app didn’t recognize a face in Rawley’s sweet photo.


We combined Wess’ photo with this one of Kyle…

And came up with THIS!!!

On Friday we took a trip out to Lafayette Reservoir Recreation Area

We hiked to this shady spot and had a picnic lunch.

Then Kel and the boys took a pedal boat out on the reservoir.

Andrew, Wess, Owenn & Kelly

“Hi, Wess!”

Owenn & Kel

Wess and Birdie being silly!

Wess, Owenn, Kelly and I made some really cool “Paper Flower” art.

We discovered a new FAVORITE game called, “Telestrations” that everyone loved and just kept asking to play. We have a tradition when the whole family is gathered of playing “telephone” around the dining room table. The grandkids are always asking to play because it usually turns out pretty silly. Telestrations is a game where booklets are passed around the table and each person tries, in turn, to interpret alternately in words and pictures, what the previous page shows. It is a riot!

Kelly posing with her drawing of “body odor!”

Another cute “Rawley” pic

On our last day with the MiniBergs Wess had a little entrepreneurial enterprise. He loves the oranges from the tree in the backyard and makes orange juice pretty often. I told him he should set up an orange juice stand. He said it would take forever to squeeze enough juice. But… he decided he could make enough to sell to all of us! He did this all on his own.

Owenn was very proud of his Fuse Bead creation!

We left Pleasant Hill on Sunday, April 10 and drove to Mt. Madonna County park between Morgan Hill and Watsonville to camp with the MiniMassies for four nights.

Our wonderful site amongst the trees

The MiniMassie abode for the next four nights

Ellie could hardly wait to slip into her sleeping spot once the tent was erected.

On Monday the girls put together the same Easter cookie cottage kit that the boys had assembled and decorated but with different results…

Camping is exhausting! Alex found a little spot on the floor under a table.

It amazes me how much some of my grandkids love sushi!

After lunch we all took a walk, even “Zinnia.”

We were captivated by all of the tiny ferns growing on the bark of the trees.

Here’s Claire capturing pictures of the tiny fern.

What a beautiful place for a stroll!

Finding beauty in the small things

We got some rain while we were here and i just think it looks so pretty on the greenery.

Little fiddlehead

No trip to this part of the state would be complete without seeing a banana slug.

“Don’t do it, Dan!”

Alex and I decided to break from the group and head back to the RV.

Ellie and Mark playing Cornhole with our cool little collapsible set. Ellie was brilliant at getting the sandbags in the hole!

A friendly game of Skip-Bo with Alex and Papa

After dinner on Monday we enjoyed a campfire with s’mores made in the pie iron.

Well… some of us enjoyed the campfire!

Ellie sporting her dinosaur hat and staying warm

Claire and “Zinnie”

A pudgy pie made over the campfire using crescent roll dough and apple pie filling

Unfortunately the dough didn’t bake all the way through!


Back in the RV to warm up a bit before bedtime

On Tuesday we decided to celebrate Easter a few days early. Ellie and Alex received their Easter “baskets” from Birdie and Papa.

Dan and “Zinnie”

Later the same day Mark, Dan, Claire and Ellie went to the archery range for target practice…

…while Alex and I stayed in the RV making jewelry.

Alex learned wire wrapping incredibly fast! I was so impressed.

No camping day is complete without at least one game. Quirkle is a family favorite.

On Tuesday we started the fire earlier so that we could enjoy it longer. (The view through the screen and out of the RV window)

Easter dinner on Tuesday included ham (which we decided to put on marshmallow sticks to heat up - Yum!) Dinner was untraditionally eaten around the campfire, fun and delicious.

So what do you do with Peeps when you’re camping?

You roast them over a campfire!

What do you think, Claire?

A Peeps S’More!

Leave it to a teenager to find this position comfortable!

Ellie enjoying oranges from the MiniBergs’ tree

Pancake breakfast on Wednesday morning

It’s rare to get a smile from Ellie so I had to post this adorable picture of her with Papa.

Having fun in the campground 


Everyone was drawn to this section of tree.

Our bed in the RV seemed to be everyone’s favorite place.

On Wednesday afternoons we all went over to the archery range and everyone (except me) tried their hand at shooting arrows.

Afterward, we drove over to the site of the ruins of the Henry Miller Summer Home.

Alex is always willing to pose!

I have to get a little sneaky to get pics of Ellie!

The ruins were pretty cool.

My handsome husband, Mark

And my handsome son, Dan

Ellie, Papa, Dad Dan and Alex

Me and my sweetie

Wild strawberry plants

Interesting architecture

I wanted a MiniMassie family picture…

Be careful, Ellie - you’re almost smiling!

Alex and Ellie had never experienced “Jiffy Pop” before so we decided to make it over the gas cooktop in the RV before we all alert on Thursday morning.

Ellie taking her turn


One more hug before we go our separate ways. Until next time…

On Thursday, April 14th Mark and I drove to Vacaville where we had a reservation through Harvest Host at an organic farm called Lockwood Acres.
Benny and Sparky parked by the almond trees

We took a little tour with the owner of the farm and I got to feed a 2 1/2 week old baby goat.

We met all kinds of animals including these wooly pigs who respond to commands like, “sit!”

We purchased a couple of interesting products. Spending a little money at a Harvest Host property is recommended and in good form. We typically spend quite a bit more than we would have spent on an RV site for the night but we leave with some yummy products.

On Friday we headed north up Highway 5 on our way to Redding.
We got another view of beautiful Mount Shasta with a fresh coat of snow.

We have driven past this place with colorful trucks each time we come this way. I don’t know what it is but I tried to get a photo this time. The trucks are so bright!

What a lovely sight

Fresh snow everywhere and yet we didn’t have to drive in any of it.

We arrived at one of our regular RV parks, Premier RV Resort in Redding, CA. We stayed one night and then were on our way. We did have a yummy dinner at Karline’s Italian Restaurant in Redding.

We stopped for diesel on our way north. In Oregon, you don’t pump your own fuel and this interesting man was our gas attendant. I had to take a picture to send to our grandkids because they insist that Papa has blue hair!!! Now this guy actually has blue hair!

We spent one night at Valley of the Rogue State Park in Oregon before driving to Eugene. What a lovely spot! The only issue was the group of helicopters hovering nearby for about 3 hours beginning at 2:30 am.  Mark even called 911 but they didn’t know anything about it, We did a little online research and it appears this is an area where helicopters train. Unfortunately, we will not be scheduling a return trip to this lovely campground.

We arrived at cousins Rich and Joy Shonfeld’s home in Eugene on Sunday.

Mark got to drive Joy’s tractor and help Rich with the placement of “Friendly,” the Shonfled’s greeter as you drive onto the property.


In the early evening we all drove to Cottage Grove for Easter dinner at friends, Cheryl and Rusty’s home. They were kind enough to include us in their Easter get-together plans.

The Shonfeld Property

Benny (left) and Vinnie (right) - RV buddies at Rich and Joy’s home

We left Eugene on Monday morning headed for Milo McIver State Park near Estacada.
Absolute beauty all along the way. We are loving the green and the wildflowers here.

We drove past thousands of Christmas trees.

The drive into the park on Monday

On Tuesday we met our wonderful real estate broker, Steve Micek, and started our house hunting adventure! We began by viewing 4 homes in the Happy Valley area and saw one that we came very close to making an offer on but decided that it was early in the process and we would continue looking for something closer to perfect.

On Wednesday Mark and I did “drive bys” of several more homes then went over to the Clackamas Town Center Mall for our second Covid booster shots.

On our way back into the state park we stopped at the Milo McIver Viewpoint and had a look around .

Mark and Milo

Things are beginning to really bloom here.

The viewpoint looked out over the Clackamas River.

Selfie time!

We saw these interesting plants just starting to open up.

Another pretty scene

The skies can be pretty dramatic here.

We left Milo McIver State Park on Friday. Along the way we stopped to refill our propane tank. This interesting tree was near the parking lot. I asked the attendant if he knew what it was and he said until I pointed it out he had never paid any attention to it!
This tree looked like a cross between a pine tree and a cactus!

A close-up of the branches - very sharp!
We did a little online research and found out that this is a Monkey Puzzle Tree. It is believed the name came from a remark that, “Climbing the spiny spiraling branches would be a puzzle even for a monkey!”

We got to our next “home” at the Sandy River RV Resort in Troutdale about noon on Friday, April 22.
Our site backs up to Beaver Creek.

This is the view from the back of our RV.

All set up and ready to settle in for the next three weeks while we continue our home search. We met up with Steve again on Friday afternoon and viewed more homes. We found a house that Mark and I both loved in West Linn and decided to make an offer on it.

After leaving Steve, we drove around West Linn a bit and had lunch at a sports bar called, “Lil’ Coopertown.” After lunch we walked across the street to get a closer look at this splendid dogwood tree.

I am so in love with the trees here in Oregon. My next home MUST have at least one dogwood tree.

Dogwood tree selfie!

We thought this was interesting. In 1902 a 15.5 ton meteorite (the largest in the United States) was found about 2 miles NW of this spot. The actual meteorite is now on display in New York City. 

Happy Valley has been high on our list of potential places to find our next home.

On our way back to Troutdale we had a perfect view of Mount Hood while we were cruising east on the highway.

Time to enjoy the sunny weather with Happy Hour in our campsite

Another look at the view from our site

On Sunday we did some more exploring and drove by more homes. This time we ventured to NW Portland and then to the Beaverton area. I didn’t take photos of the homes because they are all online but I was captivated by flowers and trees everywhere we went.

This was a Cherry tree in full bloom at a McDonalds!

Cherry tree selfie!

Another gorgeous Dogwood tree

A view of Portland on our way back to the RV park

On Monday we made our offer for on the West Linn home. It was tough waiting to hear back so we took off and did a little exploring of shops in the nearby historic Troutdale area. We had lunch at a little cafe inside a home store called, “Celebrate Me Home.” I loved everything in the store and started imagining some of the furniture in our next home.

Mark found his next “Ugly Man Chair.” Ask, if you really want to know.

So… We did not get the house we wanted in West Linn. We found out about 9:00 on Monday evening that even though we bid $55K over asking, we were outbid by another $105K! There had been 8 offers on the house. The housing market is insane here in the Portland area. The search continues…