
Saturday, December 4, 2021

The Massies Have Left The Valley

A few pics of our first week…
Benny, our home, sweet home!

Sparky has been a great addition to our traveling family

We haven’t been to many states in our motorhome but hope to fill in all of the lower 48 states within the next several months.

Two-fisted wine tasting!

Wine tasting in Los Olivos at The Four Brothers tasting room

The past two weeks have been very full! We had the pleasure of spending one more Thursday afternoon with our Happy Hour Buddies in Skytt Mesa, Solvang. A big thank you to Dennis and Sheril Neal for hosting another lively gathering! Afterward, six of us enjoyed a delicious meal at "The Tavern at Zaca Creek." What a wonderful sendoff from treasured friends.

The Neals shared celebratory cupcakes with the Happy Hour group

Mark, Robin, Sheril, Dennis, Steve & Beth

We left our site at Flying Flags RV Resort on Friday and drove to the home of dear friends, Teresa and John English. We were neighbors for the 26 years that we lived in College Estates in Santa Ynez. We had a lovely picnic at Firestone Winery and later the Englishes hosted a mini "Neighborhood Nibbles" get-together. It was great to see several of our longtime friends.

Robin & Teresa at Firestone Winery

With Teresa & John English

Our gorgeous view at the winery

Leaving The English’s home

We left the Santa Ynez Valley and headed to my sister and brother-in-law’s home in Covina. Thank you to Cheryl and Jack for hosting us for the next two nights.

Leaving the Valley

Two tiny home dwellers with all of our belongings for the next 9-10 months in our traveling home!

Cousins Susie and Jaime hosted about 35 friends and family in their beautiful backyard for Friendsgiving on the Sunday before Thanksgiving 
Susie & Jaime

Jack & Cheryl

Robin & Mark

Our next stop was a short two day stay with our son, Dan and his family. It was wonderful to be with Dan, Claire, Lex and Ellie for a couple of days.
Dan & Ellie

Claire reading one of her favorite childhood books

(Lex had fun with the “ToonCamera” app on my phone.

We left the “MiniMassies’ home in Mission Viejo on Wednesday and made the long drive up Highway 5 to the “MiniBergs’” home in Pleasant Hill. We spent a week with Kelly, Kyle, Andrew, Owenn and Wess. We enjoyed a lovely Thanksgiving celebration at the home of Kyle’s parents (and our dear friends) Leigh and Earl. Kelly and Leigh were amazing hosts and the food was delicious!

Mark and Leigh

Sweet Rawley, one of our “grandpuppies.”

Owenn, Wess & Andrew watching their Dad try out Oculus

Uncle Dave, Wess, Owenn, Andrew & Papa at the park

Rawley on the run

We spent Sunday at our wonderful friend Sue’s home in Point Richmond. She invited neighbors Howard and Kathryn (our camping buddies and good friends) to join us for a traditional Hanukkah dinner - Yumm!

Howard lighting the candle for the first night of Hanukkah

Mark, Sue, Howard & Kathryn

We went back to Kelly and Kyle’s home and spent three more nights there while we were having a couple of modifications made to the RV and tow car, aka “Benny and Sparky.”

Wess & Owenn by the MiniBergs’ Christmas tree. They all went out, chose a tree, brought it home, decorated it and the house while we were away for a day!

Andrew & Kyle

Mark, Kelleen & Robin

Our tiny Christmas tree with the cute ornament given to us by Teresa English

A huge thank you to everyone who so graciously hosted us in the first two weeks of our adventure!


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