
Saturday, January 8, 2022

Our First National Park on this Journey

 We left Cheryl and Jack’s home on Sunday, January 2 and drove east with Joshua Tree National Park on our agenda. We arrived in the town of Joshua Tree, north of the national park, and set up Benny for the three nights we would spend there. The campground was very austere but it had everything we needed. We decided to spend the better part of Monday in the park. On Monday morning, we packed our lunches, brought along multiple layers of clothing and took Sparky out for the 20+ minute drive to the Oasis Visitor Center. From the visitor center we drove to the park entrance where we had the joy of using my Senior “America the Beautiful” National Park Pass for the first time on our trip. We hope to have many, many opportunities to use it in the coming year.

So many windmills along the route

Our camping spot in Joshua Tree

I LOVE this little plastic card!

Entrance to the Oasis Visitor Center

The visitor center had several interesting displays.

Joshua Tree National Park was designated as a Biosphere Reserve by the Sonoran Biogeographic Province in 1984

I took a lichen to the growth on these rocks! We were surprised by how rough the boulders were.

Interesting formations in the Jumbo Rocks area

Mark enjoying the view

Skull Rock

The following are just some interesting photos taken during our time in the park…

What a lovely place for a picnic lunch!

An iconic Joshua Tree

We found so many interesting features

“Split Rock” Can you find Mark?

The reverse side of Split Rock

I find the quality of the photos from my iPhone to be pretty amazing!

Selfie time!


Among the Joshua Trees

This was the cross-section of a dead Joshua Tree trunk

We drove up to “Keys View” to take in the panoramic views of the southern side of JTNP. We saw the Coachella Valley below. They say on a very clear day you can see Signal Mountain in Mexico 90 miles away.

Our final stop for the day was at “Cap Rock” where we took a little .3 mile interpretive walk.
“Mark, don’t get too close to that jumping cactus!”

Cholla Cactus, aka “Jumping Cactus”

“Cap Rock”

A mushroom for Lexi

Can you see the man with his eyes closed?

As the sun was setting and our shadows were lengthening

Along the walk

My faithful companion

A bonus for your enjoyment

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